Red Tortoise believes that ratings and reviews are critical in helping others make informed decisions about our services. We invite all of our clients to leave reviews for our website. We make every effort to provide a fair and balanced forum for clients to discuss their views. These ratings and reviews are considered testimonials by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Each testimonial was given by a current client of Red Tortoise at the time of the review and reviews are not compensated. There is no guarantee another individual’s experience will be positive or similar to the individual providing this testimonial.
All clients are invited to review our firm. Reviews are presented unedited and may be rejected for publishing based on Red Tortoise’s policies regarding ratings and reviews which are listed below or to comply with our legal obligations. These policies are subject to modification without notice and our updated policies will be posted here. Reviews become the property of Red Tortoise and all published and unpublished reviews are available for inspection by regulators.
All published ratings are included in the calculation of our total average rating. We do not include rejected or non-published content when calculating the overall average rating.
Clients generally respond to an internal Red Tortoise survey request and rate the firm based on their satisfaction with Red Tortoise on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = extremely dissatisfied to 5 = extremely satisfied). Client experiences may vary and working with Red Tortoise is not a guarantee of future financial results. Investors should not consider this rating a substitute for their own research and evaluation of Red Tortoise’s qualifications. Clients who write a review give us explicit permission to publish their review on our Web Site. Clients may also revoke their permission and request the removal of their review by contacting us at
Our Ratings and Reviews policy:
We do not allow content to harass other people or businesses, or encourage others to participate in harassment.
Hate speech
We believe that all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, caste, or any other protected status, have a right to access information and participate in its exchange without being subjected to hate speech. Do not include content that includes any form of hate speech.
Offensive content
We allow content that describes negative experiences in a respectful manner.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
We do not allow content that contains Personally Identifiable Information such as credit card details, name, email address, medical records, or government–issued identification—whether yours or someone else’s.
PII can be Sensitive or Non-sensitive. Sensitive PII is information that can identify a person uniquely. Your Social Security number is an example of sensitive PII. Non-sensitive PII includes race, gender, zip code and other information that alone cannot determine a person’s identity but can be linked to successfully recognize an individual. The definition of PII can also depend on where you live in the world.
Red Tortoise may reject a post that it, in its sole discretion, believes violates laws and regulations regarding Personally Identifiable Information.
We do not allow content that contains alternative names for a person or organization where the content is attempting to mislead others.
False, inaccurate, or deceptive information can cause significant harm to individuals, businesses, and society. For that reason, we don’t allow users to post misinformation.
Obscenity and/or profanity
We do not allow obscene or profane content. We do allow inoffensive uses of words that may be considered profanity in other contexts.
Sexually explicit content
We do not allow sexually explicit content
Adult-themed content
We do not allow adult-themed content
Violence & gore
We do not allow violent or gory content involving people or animals.
Restricted content
Some products or services are subject to controls and local regulations, you must follow certain guidelines when posting this content. The content you upload may not feature calls to action or offers for the sale of products or services that are subject to local legal regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, guns, health and medical devices, regulated pharmaceuticals, adult services, and financial services.
Dangerous content
We do not allow you to post dangerous content or the promotion of or directions for harmful use of such goods, services or activities.
Illegal content
We do not allow you to post any content that is illegal or depicts any illegal activity.
Child Safety
We do not allow content that puts children at risk. We will remove violating content and take appropriate action, which may include reporting to relevant authorities or law enforcement.
Terrorist content
We do not allow the posting of any terrorist content.
We do not allow content which contains general, political, or social commentary or personal rants.
Advertising & solicitation
We do not allow content for advertising or solicitation purposes
Gibberish & repetitive content
We do not allow the posting of repetitive or gibberish content.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
These are commonly called web links. We do not allow the inclusion of any URLs in any posts.
Bad Actors and Ineligible Persons
The SEC does not allow, with certain exceptions, reviews placed by individuals who are subject to a disqualifying SEC action. The complete rules are complex and are beyond the scope of this discussion. We will make reasonable efforts to prevent such persons from posting content and will remove such content when we believe it violates this SEC Rule.
Employees of Red Tortoise are ineligible to leave a Rating and Review. This includes all members of an employees’ immediate family. A member of the immediate family means any parent, spouse of a parent, child, spouse of a child, spouse, brother or sister, and includes step and adoptive relationships living in the same household. Clients who are beneficiaries of a trust or similar entity where Red Tortoise or an employee of Red Tortoise acts in the capacity of Trustee of the client relationship are also ineligible to leave a Rating and Review. A Trustee means a person or firm that holds and administers property or assets for the benefit of a third party.
If you have questions, comments or concerns please contact us at